Movement for your Life

Movement is Our Passion

Welcome to House of Chi, where we use fun and creative movement to maximize functionality in the body and open spaces for new breath and life!



  • HIIT / Circuit

    A fun and challenging class focused on getting the heart rate up and then bringing it down with 40 second high intervals and 20 second low intervals. Workouts are focused on full-body, and often incorporate equipment such as bands, weights and medicine balls.

  • Breathe & Stretch

    This class begins with some light breath work and centering, then focuses on joint and muscle mobility and health. It is wonderful for restoration and injury prevention for the entire body, and great for those who want a little bit more than just stretching.

  • Chi Yoga

    This is a challenging class based in Vinyasa, but fused with cardio intensive movements and plyometrics. We begin the class by warming up the joints and muscles, and then use a HIIT style format of bringing the heart rate up and letting it rest to create a class that will leave you feeling just the right amount of worked and rested!

  • Yin Yoga

    A yin class is a calming, quiet and deep practice. In Yin, we target the deepest tissues of the body, our connective tissues- ligaments, joints, bones, the deep fascia structures of the body and the meridians. Poses are held between 2-5 minutes to allow deep relaxation and restoration.

Weekly Schedule of Classes


8:30-9:30 am HIIT/circuit
10-11 am Breathe & Stretch


6-6:50 pm Chi Yoga 


8:30-9:30 am HIIT/circuit
10-11 am Breathe & Stretch


6-6:50 pm Chi Yoga 


9-10:15 am YinYoga 

Stay tuned on social media for Sunday Community Class (10am)

Join a class

Drop-In - $15
8-class card - $100
2 classes a week (monthly subscription) - $85
Unlimited (monthly subscription) - $120

Private sessions

A customized private class to meet your physical or energetic needs.

Visit the Studio

House of Chi Yoga
at The Basement

1347 Tehama St. Suite B

Redding, CA 96001


Hi, I’m Margaret

I am a 500-hour certified yoga teacher and have been a Buti Yoga Master Teacher Trainer for the last 8 years. In that time, I have immensely enjoyed sharing my love of a Buti Yoga practice and inspiring others to become teachers as well. I have always been interested in health and fitness and my passion is in showing people how to stay active through fun, functional and yoga-type of movements. I live a very active lifestyle, and the movements I use in class are to promote mobility, flexibility, strength, and fascial reconstruction for overall health and recovery.

“After class my mind feels elevated, my body feels lubricated, and there is peace and calm to start my day.”


Get in Touch